投稿时间:2015-01-05  修订日期:2015-01-23  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2015.10.041
摘要点击次数: 1615
全文下载次数: 764
叶桂云 353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 
胡望平 350025 中国人民解放军南京军区福州总医院 
池细弟 353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 
张忠源 353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 
王凯 353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 
张永平 353000 福建医科大学附属南平第一医院 
中文摘要:目的 运用尿电解质肌酐比计算膳食盐,评价人群盐摄入量。探讨尿电解质肌酐比、尿蛋白肌酐比(urinary protein/creatinine ratio, TPCR)在体检和高血压患者中的应用价值。 方法 检测948例(其中842名>50岁)健康体检者,616例住院高血压患者的尿钠、尿钾、尿总蛋白和空腹血清脂类项目,计算出尿钠肌酐比,尿钾肌酐比、尿钠钾比(Na+/K+)、TPCR和血清载脂蛋白B/A1(apoB/apoA1)。 结果 948例体检者按年龄段分组比较中,尿TPCR在50~60岁年龄组与>70岁年龄组差异最明显(P=0.000);842例>50岁体检者不同性别间比较,尿盐、尿钾差异均有统计学意义(P=0.000);高血压组与体检组比较,尿TPCR、尿Na+/K+、尿盐差异有统计学意义(P=0.000);不同级别高血压的尿盐、Na+/K+及TPCR等指标均显著增高(P=0.000);616例高血压尿总蛋白与尿Na+/K+、尿Na+具有相关性;图中的尿TPCR浓度随年龄加大逐渐上升,高血压尿TPCR与尿Na+/K+均显著高于正常体检者。 结论 通过尿电解质计算膳食盐,能简便有效反映人群盐摄入量的高低。尿电解质肌酐比、尿TPCR与高血压的升级及年龄增大紧密相关。
中文关键词:尿电解质肌酐比  总蛋白肌酐比  钠钾比  高血压  膳食盐
Application of Urinary Electrolyte/Creatinine Ratio, Urinary Total Protein/Creatinine Ratio In Healthy People and Hypertensive Patients
Abstract:Objective To investigate the salt intake of people by urine electrolytes/creatinine ratio calculating dietary salt and the application of urine electrolytes/creatinine ratio and urinary total protein/creatinine ratio on healthy people and hypertension. Methods Urinary sodium, urinary potassium, urine total protein and fasting serum lipids were detected in 948 (842 cases > 50 years old) healthy people and 616 hypertensive Patients, and Urinary Sodium /Creatinine Ratio(USCR), urinary potassium creatinine ratio, urinary sodium/potassium (Na+/K+), urinary protein creatinine ratio (TPCR) and apoB/apoA1 were calculated. Results Urine TPCR of 50 to 60 years group showed significant difference compared to > 70 years group by age grouping in 948 participants (P= 0.000). Urine salt and urine potassium of female showed obvious difference compared to male in 842 cases >50 years healthy people(P = 0.000). Urine TPCR, urine Na/K and urine salt were significantly highter in hypertension group than healthy group(P = 0.000). Urine salt, Na+/K+ and TPCR in different levels of hypertension were significantly difference (P = 0.000). Urine TPCR was positively correlated with urine Na+/K+ and USCR by linear correlation analysis in 616 hypertensive patients. Along the age escalating, urine TPCR increased gradually in figure, urine TPCR and urine Na+/K+ were significantly higher in hypertension than health. Conclusion Urine electrolytes/creatinine ratio is simple and effective to reflect the salt intake. Urine TPCR is closely related with hypertension upgrading and age escalating.
keywords:Urinary electrolyte/creatinine ratio  Urinary protein/creatinine ratio  Urinary Na+/K+  Hypertension  Dietary sodium intake
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