投稿时间:2016-06-05  修订日期:2016-08-22  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2017.03.021
摘要点击次数: 1171
全文下载次数: 775
何明远 150001 哈尔滨, 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院磁共振室  
赵蕊 150001 哈尔滨, 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院脑电室  
刘鹏飞 150001 哈尔滨, 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院磁共振室 Pfeiliu@hotmail.com 
中文摘要:目的 研究磁共振动脉自旋标记技术对海马脑血流量(CBF)的定量测量方法,评估颞叶癫痫的发生与海马灌注量的关系及探求预测颞叶癫痫的海马CBF的临界值。方法 通过视频脑电(VEEG)及磁共振常规序列将筛选出的42例受试者均分成3组,即健康对照组、常规海马MRI未见异常,一侧颞叶异常放电的颞叶癫痫患者组及常规海马MRI证实为一侧海马硬化的颞叶癫痫患者组,然后行海马3D ASL检查。在海马头、体、尾显示最好的层面分别设置6个相同大小的感兴趣区(ROI),测量并记录每位受试者双侧海马的CBF值,探讨海马的脑血流量值与颞叶癫痫的关系。结果 分别计算出每个受试者单侧海马的平均脑血流量值,得出健康对照组海马的平均CBF值为53.82±0.98ml/(100g·min)。癫痫单侧异常放电组患侧与健侧海马的平均CBF值分别为49.12±5.31、55.99±1.65ml/(100g·min);癫痫单侧海马硬化组患侧与健侧海马的平均CBF值分别为39.57±2.08、48.06±1.74ml/(100g·min)。然后对这3组实验者不同组别之间单侧海马的平均CBF值进行两两比较,即比较癫痫单侧异常放电组患侧与健侧、癫痫单侧海马硬化组患侧与健侧、健康对照组与癫痫单侧异常放电组患侧、健康对照组与癫痫单侧海马硬化组患侧、癫痫单侧异常放电组患侧与癫痫单侧海马硬化组患侧、健康对照组与癫痫单侧海马硬化组健侧、健康对照组与癫痫单侧异常放电组健侧、癫痫单侧异常放电组健侧与癫痫单侧海马硬化组健侧之间海马的平均脑血流量值,发现这8次比较中前6次的差异有统计学意义。对健康对照组与癫痫单侧颞叶异常放电组的患侧进行比较,运用ROC曲线对最佳临界点进行计算,得出cut-off值是46.76。结论 磁共振动脉自旋标记(ASL)技术可以通过定量测量海马CBF值的方法对颞叶癫痫患者海马的脑血流量进行评价。颞叶癫痫患者海马灌注量的变化要先于影像学的改变。ASL定量测量海马CBF值有助于颞叶癫痫的早期诊断与治疗。
中文关键词:颞叶癫痫  海马硬化  动脉自旋标记  磁共振成像
Study of Hippocampal Perfusion in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients with MRI Arterial Spin Labeling(ASL) Technique
Abstract:Objective To perform the main application of MRI arterial spin labeling (ASL) in cerebral blood flow (CBF) on hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy for quantitative measurement,to assess the relationship between temporal lobe epilepsy occurrence and hippocampal perfusion and to explore the critical value of hippocampal CBF predict the temporal lobe epilepsy early. Methods Forty-two subjects by video EEG (VEEG) and conventional MR sequences screend were divided into 3 groups eventually,namely group of healthy control, the group with one temporal lobe abnormal discharge, that conventional MRI in hippocampus is not abnormal and the last group with one side hippocampus sclerosis confirmed by conventional MRI in temporal lobe epilepsy patients,then for the hippocampal 3D ASL examination.We provided six same size regions of interest (ROI)in the hippocampal head, body, tail respectively with the best level display to measure and record bilateral hippocampal cerebral blood flow values (CBF values) of every subject,and to explore the relationship between the cerebral blood flow value in the hippocampus and temporal lobe epilepsy. Results Mean cerebral blood flow (CBF) value of each subject's unilateral hippocampus was calculated.The average CBF value of the hippocampus in the healthy control group was 53.82±0.98ml/(100g·min).The average CBF of the hippocampus in epileptic unilateral abnormal discharge group with the ipsilateral and contralateral were 49.12±5.31ml/(100g·min) and 55.99±1.65ml/(100g·min).The average CBF of the hippocampus in epileptic unilateral hippocampal sclerosis group with the ipsilateral and contralateral were 39.57±2.08ml/(100g·min) and 48.06±1.74ml/(100g·min).Then pairwise comparison of the unilateral hippocampal average CBF value among the 3 groups of experimenters in different groups was performed.The results showed that in the eight times,the first six times had statistically significant differences. Comparing between the healthy control group and epilepsy unilateral temporal lobe abnormal discharge group,to calculates the best critical point by the ROC curve,the cut-off value was 46.76. Conclusion Magnetic resonance arterial spin labeling (ASL) technique can evaluate the cerebral blood flow in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy by quantitative measurement of hippocampal CBF value. The changes of hippocampal perfusion in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy should be preceded by the changes of imaging.ASL quantitative measurement of hippocampal CBF value is helpful for early diagnosis and treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy.
keywords:Temporal lobe epilepsy  Hippocampal sclerosis  Arterial spin labeling  Magnetic resonance imaging
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