投稿时间:2016-10-30  修订日期:2016-11-13  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2017.09.023
摘要点击次数: 1271
全文下载次数: 796
叶梦萍 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
綦黄鹏 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
薛雅文 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
唐瑜 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
林友胜 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
王念 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室  
张洁 610500 成都医学院生理学教研室 zhangjiefa8888@126.com 
中文摘要:目的 研究臂旁外侧核(LPB)自发放电神经元的温敏特性。方法 采用红外可视脑片膜片钳胞外记录技术,观察温度对LPB神经元自发放电频率和幅度的影响,分析LPB热敏、冷敏神经元的分布、形态学和电生理学特点。结果 温度变化对LPB不同类型神经元放电频率的影响不同,热敏神经元放电频率随温度升高明显加快;冷敏神经元放电频率随温度升高明显减慢。在参与前馈调节的3个亚核即LPBel、LPBc和LPBd,热敏和冷敏神经元均有分布,但其分布百分比差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。LPB热敏神经元的温敏系数范围为0.8~3.4imp/(s·℃),冷敏神经元的温敏系数范围为-0.6~-4.2imp/(s·℃);在32℃、36℃和39℃ 3个温度条件下,热敏神经元放电频率均快于温度不敏感神经元(P<0.05);LPB神经元胞体形态呈椭圆形、梭形、三角形或圆形,虽然LPB 3类神经元胞体形态有所不同,但4种形态神经元的比例差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);温度变化对三类神经元的放电幅度均无明显影响(P > 0.05)。结论 LPB部分神经元的自发放电活动具有温度敏感度,存在内在温度感受机制。
中文关键词:臂旁外侧核  温度  胞外放电活动
Effects of Temperature on the Extracellular Activities of Rat Lateral Parabrachial Neurons
Abstract:Objective To investigate the temperature-sensitive properties of rat lateral parabrachial (LPB) neurons. Methods The spontaneous firing rate and amplitude of LPB neurons in rat brainstem slices during changes in temperature was extracellularly monitored by loose-seal cell-attached patch clamp recordings, and the location, morphological, and electrophysiological properties of temperature-sensitive neurons in LPB were analysed. Results LPB neurons were classified into three types including warm-sensitive, cold-sensitive and temperature-insensitive neurons according to the temperature coefficients of their firing rate in response to temperature changes. In warm-sensitive neurons, warming increased their firing rate. On the contrary, warming decreased the firing rate of cold-sensitive neurons. The temperature-sensitive neurons were located in LPBel, LPBc and LPBd, the three LPB subnuclei responsible for the transmission of cutaneous feedforward signals, and the percentages of warm-and cold-neurons within the three LPB subnuclei were not significantly different(P > 0.05). The spontaneous firing rate of the warm-sensitive neurons was all significantly greater than that of the temperature-insensitive neurons at 32℃, 36℃ and 39℃(P<0.05). Temperature coefficients, for the warm-sensitive neurons in the LPB, ranged from 0.8 to 3.4imp/(s·℃); for the cold-sensitive neurons, ranged from -0.6 to -4.2imp/(s·℃). Although the three types of LPB neurons appeared to have different cell morphology, there was, in fact, no significant difference in the proportions of the fusiform, oval, triangular, and round neurons(P > 0.05). In addition, temperature had no effects on the firing amplitude of rat LPB neurons(P > 0.05). Conclusion Some neurons are inherently temperature sensitive in their spontaneous firing activity in the LPB.
keywords:The lateral parabrachial nucleus  Temperature  Extracellular activities
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