投稿时间:2016-12-12  修订日期:2017-01-12  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2017.09.038
摘要点击次数: 1163
全文下载次数: 647
刘彦含 100049 北京大学航天临床医学院影像科  
张晓锦 100049 北京大学航天临床医学院影像科 ZXJ_630913@hotmail.com 
陈杰 100049 北京大学航天临床医学院影像科  
柏冬 100049 北京大学航天临床医学院影像科  
中文摘要:目的 通过比较分析热身运动前后膝关节半月板磁共振T2时间的变化,探讨利用T2时间变化反映热身运动前后半月板变化的可行性。方法 选择40例无膝关节相关症状的志愿者,其中男性15例,女性25例;患者年龄22~30岁,平均年龄26.32±2.1岁。在同等强度的热身运动前后对每位志愿者行右膝关节的MR T2 mapping序列成像,分别测量内、外侧半月板前角、后角、体部的T2时间,采用配对t检验比较热身运动前后膝关节半月板T2时间变化。结果 热身运动后膝关节半月板各个部位的T2值均增高(P=0.000);外侧半月板体部T2值增高幅度小于内侧半月板前角(P<0.05)、内侧半月板后角(P<0.05)及外侧半月板前角(P<0.05)。结论 热身运动可以增加膝关节半月板T2时间,提示可以增加半月板内含水量,改善半月板的生理活性,对半月板起到一定的保护作用;MR T2 mapping成像技术可以评价运动前后半月板T2时间,是评估半月板的1项可靠手段。
中文关键词:半月板  运动  磁共振成像  T2时间  T2 mapping
A Research on the Changes of T2 time by MRI for Meniscus after Warm-up Exercise
Abstract:Objective To prospectively evaluate changes in T2 relaxation times in the meniscus with warm-up excise using MRI in healthy knees, and explore the feasibility of evaluating the morphological changes of meniscus after acute warming-up by T2 time response. Methods A total of 40 healthy adult volunteers were enrolled, which included 15 males and 25 females; aged 22-30 years old with mean age of 26.32±2.1. T2 mapping sequential imaging was performed to measure the T2 time of medial and lateral anterior, body, posterior before and after warm-up exercise. A paired Student's t test was used to determine the effects of warm-up exercise on T2 times. Results All volunteers showed a significant increase in T2 values after warm-up exercise in all meniscus compartments (P=0.000), which may indicate changes in the biochemical composition of meniscal tissue. The lateral body compartment experienced more increment than medial anterior (P<0.05), medial posterior (P<0.05) and lateral posterior parts (P<0.05) after warm-up exercise. Conclusion Longer T2 values after warm-up exercise suggest increment in the water content of knee meniscus, which may indicate improvements in the physiological activity and protection of meniscus. T2 values in menisci have the potential to be used as biomarkers for identifying meniscus changes after exercise.
keywords:Meniscus  Exercise  Magnetic resonance imaging  T2 mapping
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