投稿时间:2017-11-08  修订日期:2017-11-13  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2018.08.014
摘要点击次数: 1098
全文下载次数: 970
成伟兵 830000 乌鲁木齐, 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院  
张洋弋 830000 乌鲁木齐, 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院  
徐凯悦 830000 乌鲁木齐, 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院  
姚雪梅 830000 乌鲁木齐, 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院 31738954@qq.com 
中文摘要:目的 了解乌鲁木齐市50岁以上中老年人体脂分布、握力及步速特点。方法 以乌鲁木齐市50岁以上中老年人群为调查对象,用整群抽样的方法在乌鲁木齐市随机选取6个社区,共调查符合纳入排除标准的中老年人737例(男性106例,女性631例),利用生物电阻抗分析仪等仪器测定相关指标。结果 同一性别不同年龄段中老年人四肢肌肉质量、躯干肌肉质量、体成分各指标(除阻抗外)、握力、步速分布不同且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),≥70岁以上年龄段肌肉质量、体成分各指标(除体脂肪率、腰臀比、蛋白质、阻抗外)、握力及步速数值最低;同一年龄段不同性别四肢肌肉质量、躯干肌肉质量、握力、步速分布不同且差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),男性四肢肌肉质量、躯干肌肉质量、握力、步速数值均大于女性;肌肉质量、身高、体重、腰臀比、身体水分、蛋白质、无机盐、基础代谢量、总能量消耗与握力值呈正相关(P=0.000),体脂肪量、体脂肪率、阻抗与握力呈负相关(P=0.000);身高、基础代谢量、总能量消耗与步速呈正相关(P<0.01),腰臀比、体脂肪率与步速呈弱负相关(P<0.01)。结论 乌鲁木齐中老年人体脂分布、握力及步速存在年龄、性别差异,握力、步速与体成分及肌肉质量存在相关性。关健词中老年人体脂分布握力步速相关性
中文关键词:中老年人  体脂分布  握力  步速  相关性
Distribution Characteristics of the Elderly Human Body in Urumqi and Its Influence on Grip Strength and Pace
Abstract:Objective To explore the distribution of body fat distribution, grip strength and pace characteristics of middle aged and elderly people over 50 years old in Urumqi. Methods With over 50 years old in Urumqi City, the middle-aged and elderly people population as the research object, using cluster sampling method in Urumqi city were randomly selected from 6 communities.They were investigated according to inclusion and exclusion criteria in 737 Middle-aged and elderly people (106 males and 631 female),with anti analyzer using biological resistance,we tested index determination. Results The difference of muscle mass, muscle mass of the limbs, body composition (except for impedance), strength, and pace distribution of the elderly in different age groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). More than 70 years old and above muscle mass, body composition index (except body fat ratio, waist-hip ratio, protein, impedance), grip strength and stride speed were the lowest. The difference of muscle mass and muscle mass of the limbs, grip strength and pace distribution of different sexes in the same age group were statistically significant(P=0.000). The muscle mass and muscle mass of the limbs,grip strength and pace of male limbs were greater than that of women. Muscle mass, height, weight, waist hip ratio, body moisture, protein, inorganic salt, basal metabolism amount, the total energy consumption and the grip strength value had a positive correlation (P=0.000), body fat mass, body fat rate, impedance and the grip strength showed a negative correlation P=0.000). Height, basal metabolic rate, total energy consumption and step speed were positively correlated (P<0.01), low waist-to-hip ratio, body fat rate and step speed were weakly negative correlated (P<0.01). Conclusion There were age and gender differences in the distribution, grip strength and pace of elderly human body in urumqi, and there was correlation between Grip Strength and Step Speed with muscle mass and body composition.
keywords:Middle-aged and elderly people  Body fat distribution  Grip  Pace  Correlation
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