投稿时间:2017-11-22  修订日期:2017-12-20  点此下载全文
DOI: 10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2018.09.031
摘要点击次数: 890
全文下载次数: 671
张国旗 261000 潍坊医学院  
张培荣 261000 潍坊医学院附属医院  
王聪颖 261000 潍坊市人民医院  
张明 261000 潍坊医学院附属医院 sdzhangming@139.com 
中文摘要:目的 对脓毒血症大鼠血清可溶性髓样细胞触发受体-1和降钙素原进行对比。方法 采用数字表法将60只雄性大鼠随机分为脓毒血症组(CLP)、假手术组(S)和常对照组(N),每组20只。采用盲肠结扎穿孔的方法制备大鼠脓毒血症模型。分别在模型制备后0、3、6、12、24、48、72h计算体重的减轻量并于心包采集血浆样本,测定白细胞计数、血小板、IL-1β、IL-6、sTREM-1和PCT浓度。结果 CLP组体重在观察期间内逐渐下降,而S组和N组的体重逐渐上升;白细胞计数72h之内持续上升;血小板计数72h之内持续下降;IL-1β从3h开始就明显升高,12h浓度达最大值,48h回落到正常水平;IL-6从3h开始就显著升高,12h浓度达最大值,48h回落到正常水平;sTREM-1从3h开始明显升高,72h内持续升高;PCT从6h开始明显升高,72h内持续升高。结论 在大鼠脓毒血症时,血清PCT和sTREM-1均升高,且均随炎症的加重而逐渐升高,但sTREM-1较PCT升高的较早。
中文关键词:脓毒血症  可溶性髓样细胞触发受体-1  降钙素原  大鼠
Comparative Study of the Serum of the sTREM-1 and PCT in Septicemic Rats
Abstract:Objective To compare the serum of the soluble myeloid cell trigger receptor 1 and calcitonin in septicemic rats. Methods Sixty male rats were randomly divided into sepsis group (CLP), sham operation group (S) and control group (N), 20 rats for each of group.A model of rat sepsis was prepared by cecal puncture.We counted the loss of weight and collected plasma samples from pericardium after building the models of 0h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h respectively, and determinated the value of white blood cell, platelet and the concentration of IL-1β, IL-6, sTREM-1 and PCT. Results The weight of CLP group decreased gradually during observation, and the weight of group S and N gradually increased.The count of white blood cell was increasing within 72h.The count of platelet was decreased by 72h.IL-1βincreased significantly from 3h, reaching maximum concentration by 12h and back to normal level by 48h.IL-6 was significantly elevated from 3h, reaching maximum concentration by 12h and back to normal level by 48h.sTREM-1 began to rise significantly from 3h and keep rising in 72h.The concentration of PCT was significantly elevated from 6h and keep rasing in 72h. Conclusion The serum PCT and sTREM-1 were both elevated in the sepsis of rats, and both of them increased with the aggravation of inflammation, but sTREM-1 elevated earlier than PCT.
keywords:Sepsis  Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1  Procalcitonin  Rat
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